This made me laugh

Posted in politics on September 9th, 2008 by corpo

republican hypocrats

skate journal: Downtown Boulder with Matt (Sept 8)

Posted in Skate Journal on September 9th, 2008 by corpo

First night in a hoodie, although it probably wasn’t necessary.  Met up with Matt at St Julien and started off really slow once again.  We ended up just pushing around not really every skating anything for very long.  We got kicked out of the white ledge.  We skated the little quarterpipe on Pearl St near Wells Fargo for awhile.  I did a blunt to pivot on it.  Hadn’t done that in forever.  Rad.  Matt did a blunt to fakie.  Next we cruised down this brick area ollieing down/up curbs and stairs like 3 times.  It was so fun.  Then this parking garage was open that we have never been in before.  Matt did the sickest bomb and ollied a median.  So insane.  It had this amazing bank to do tricks into but we got kicked out right away.  Next we skated some curb cuts for awhile and played a game of  SKATE that I lost badly and cracked my deck on a heelflip.  Ugh.  Fun night even though I really didn’t even do a trick all night.