Lakai – Fully Flared video review

fully slow mo'dThis video has been out for almost a year now and I’ve been wanting to review it for awhile.  I have a love/hate relationship with Fully Flared.  I love most of the skaters, most of the filming and how epic the video is.  But I hate most of the music, the over-editing and complete abuse of slow motion as well as how long the video is.  I hate how boring they made MJ and Mariano’s parts.  The very first time I watched the video I fell asleep during Mariano’s part.  What?!?!  I was pissed.  Granted I was pretty tired, but still, I fell asleep during my first viewing of Mariano’s part.  Ridiculous.  The music says something about sleep and it’s boring music and well, I fell asleep.The intro is pretty amazing.  Once, twice, maybe even a third time.  But seriously, could the opening shot of Koston be any slower?  It’s almost as if he’s not moving at all.  By the time he even pops his tail for the kickflip I skip it to Mike Mo’s part.  Then there is the horrible over edits of random crap at the start of that part so I skip that too.  Don’t get me wrong, I think Mike Mo is amazing, but his part doesn’t live up to the hype for me and the over editing and crappy music is too much for me.  Next up is Pappalardo.  Maybe best part in the video?  The music is awesome, the editing works, the skating is amazing, and it’s not boring California gaps or rail footage.   This part gets me hyped.  I don’t even know how many parts I skip after that.  It’s not that the skating isn’t amazing, but I don’t have one hour to sit around watching a video before I go skate.  Sometimes I watch Cairo’s part, sometimes I don’t.  It’s a sick part though.  I have not watched Jeff Lenoce’s part since the first viewing.  Skip.  Alex Olson’s part is amazing.  I hate when my remote doesn’t work and I can’t fast forward the way-too-long intro though.  Dude skates fast and has style for miles.  I didn’t like the song at first, but now I’m into it.  Rick Howard’s part is pure awesomeness.  Dude is old and rips.  Carroll is still one of the best, although his second song really sucks.  Can you tell I don’t like new school gangsta rap crap?  Beibel is pretty sick, but I never watch that part.  Skip.  Koston.  Wow.  Koston is the best.  The frontside halfcab flip manual 180 down the three stair to switch manual.  Wow.  So many amazing tricks and Public Enemy!  Public Enemy and Koston go together so so good.  This is normally the last part I watch and I’m hyped to go skate.  I love Mariano, but the editing and two boring songs kill it for me.  I’ll watch the part, but not if it’s before I go skate.  Even though I’ve skipped half the video there is still more.  Three songs of MJ.  Seriously?  The third song has slow motion for EVERY SINGLE TRICK.  It’s the stupidist thing in history.  This part should have been two songs.  I’m find with him having last part, MJ is the man and his skating is so creative and inspiring, but I almost never watch his part because it’s too long.Basically I don’t think this video is all that.Rating: ★★★☆☆

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