skate journal: campus with Nate then Carleigh and finally a frontside wallride! (May 25, 2010)

Posted in Skate Journal on May 26th, 2010 by corpo

Met Nate up at Meta.  After peeping some footage we rolled out.  My shoes were feeling especially thick and awkward and I was more tired than I thought so everything felt off.  After a few minutes at the slappy curbs and a few basic tricks each we ended up in front of the theater and noticed the ledge off the 5 stair is waxed now.  After a fast ollie up ollie off Nate went and front 50’d it.  He had to do it a few times though because it took me forever to just land the ollie on ollie off.  I was bummed on that, but at the same time it’s about a 6 stair drop and that’s been awhile for me.  We cruised around a bit, stopped at the student center, got some water and then ended up at the steep wallride area near the weird curved 1 – 7 stair.  On the way there I did what felt like the best nollie back 180 I’ve ever done.  Rad.  While we were attempting to skate the loading dock nearby Carleigh rolled up.  Nate was trying back 50s and I was trying noseslides.  We told Carleigh this was a great warmup ledge.  Ha.  Then we skated the wallride.  I got a really bad backside wallride pretty quick then started trying frontside.  I eventually put one down.  So hyped.  I’ve never rode out of that trick before.  Feels so weird.  I had some kind of weird groin pains throughout this part of the session which worried me, but it seemed ok after all.  Nate and Carleigh worked on backside wallrides for a long time and both got them.  I also got a little fakie wallride and a silly no comply f/s wallride.  We went over to the super mellow bank to 2″ curb.  Carleigh got front and back pivots.  I got a kick back pivot, back tail, and then Nate and I tried kickflip front pivots.  I put down a kickflip front 50 quickly that was intended to be a bail.  Ha.  I put down another kick front pivot which was more of just a f/s flip scratch on the curb.  I finally got a decent one.  Hyped!  Two new tricks in one night.  Nate was trying f/s flips on flat and did the most awkward thing ever.  I’m not sure how he did it, but he almost broke his back ankle.  He only turned 30 degrees at the most.  It was the oddest thing, but that was pretty much the end of the session and we cruised/walked back up the hill.  Nate wasn’t hurt, but it freaked him out and he had to get going to soccer anyways so we finished up.