Crisis Skateshop grand opening

Posted in Random skate news on September 25th, 2010 by corpo

Fuzz’s dream will soon be reality.  Please go and support Crisis and be there for the grand opening party!

skate journal: Broomfield Park with Fuzz and Neil (Sept 24, 2010)

Posted in Skate Journal on September 25th, 2010 by corpo

Neil and I went and looked at the new Lafayette park being built.  Wow, it’s crazy looking.  I took some photos which I’ll post soon.  After that we went to Crisis (more photos coming soon) and watched Stay Gold and watched Fuzz and Carleigh hang up some skate photos.  Then it was skate time.  The park was somewhat crowded, but it was warm out and a good vibe.  It’s funny seeing all the kids flock to Fuzz now since he’s the new shop owner and they all want their free stickers and sponsorship.  He handled it well except breaking his brand new Null deck on a flatground kickflip.  So funny.  It was such a bad kickflip, but all the kids were like “Wow, I’m not gonna get a Null, that’s bad”.  Ha.  Fuzz was trying so hard to be like “No, it’s just me, I’m fat and I landed bad”.  It was cracked bad, but he ended up skating it backwards and still ripped.  After some cruising around we ended up at the blue pad area for quite awhile.  Neil and Fuzz worked on and landed bluntslides  after doing front d’s from low to high on the porta potty (little pool coping qp) to hubba.  I was playing around and got a good line for me.  Manual, front feebs, back 5-0.  Then I started working on halfcab crooks.  I got a couple questionable ones before putting a decent (for me) one down where I grinded a couple feet.  So hyped on that.  Then we all tried crooks on the taller brown ledge.  Fuzz succeeded a lot, me once and Neil was close.  Then we cruised around doing whatever.  I posed a few kickflips over the rail, but didn’t have the commit feeling at all.  Not much happened after that.  Super fun night though.

skate journal: Steelyards with Jake (Sept 23, 2010)

Posted in Skate Journal on September 25th, 2010 by corpo

Feeling better and after a long nap and dinner I picked up Jake around sunset and we ended up at Steelyards.  He had suggested Red Curbs, but the purist jerk in me doesn’t allow me to skate an indoor spot on a warm, dry night.  We’ll have more then enough time for Red Curbs this winter.  Anyways, wow, this was the first time in awhile I’ve had fresh legs.  Having only skated about 20 minutes in the last three days my legs felt amazing.  I manualed the long way first try and felt energized and good.  This is probably why my goal next year is going to be to NOT skate 300 days.  Ha.  Seriously though, refreshed legs are awesome.  Jake was skating pretty hard as usual.  He got a few manuals the long way.  Ollie up, kickflip off.  front 180 up, f/s half cab off.  front 180 up almost fakie back big off.  They put in some new bike racks which make it a bit harder to skate.  It messed with my nose manuals, but I eventually got one.  I tried manual front 180 out and didn’t get close.  Tried manual back shove out and came remotely close.  Next up was a game of SKATE where Jake was at SKAT in two tricks.  Kickflip and treflip.  He doubled or nothing’d both and missed.  Doh!  He made it close, but I ended up prevailing with a f/s halfcab flip.  Then I went back to trying kickflip up, treflip off.  Came close, but we got the boot.  Probably a good thing anyways as I was starting to feel sick again.

sick day #33 Sept 22, 2010

Posted in sick day on September 25th, 2010 by corpo

Still actually sick.  Thought I was getting better, but a short hike with the family and inlaws and I was worked.  Coughing like crazy and felt horrible.  Ugh.  I’ve used over half of my sick days now.