skate journal: solo southern hills ledge line fest (Oct 23, 2010)

Super exhausted from a late night of shows and getting home to a very sick Ollie making weird noises, crying and holding his throat. That went on for awhile keeping me up until 4am or so. Ugh. After chilling with Ollie for awhile, trying to repair my laptop and watching the Habitat video twice I went to Southern Hills solo as the rest of TF had gone to Fort Collins. I brought a bunch of wax, waxed up the ledges real good and felt like going right to work trying lines and I ended up only trying lines the whole time. The first one was backside noseslide, slappy front tail on the curb, back boardslide, kickflip. That didn’t take long. I chose to alternate between b/s on the benches and f/s on the benches. So the next line was frontside. Really bad front board, really bad slappy back tail on the curb, front 50. Backside crooks, no comply 180, horrible halfcab noseslide. It’s crazy how tight this spot feels when your trying lines like this. Next one took a awhile. Front 50 front 180 out, f/s halfcab flip, no slide front nose to fakie. Backside noseslide to fakie, b/s halfcab flip, back 50. The back 50 took several tries and was seriously horrible. It was one of those 90 degree in, grind less then a foot and desperately try to land on the board. But landing the back 50 was probably my favorite trick of the day because of how few times I’ve landed that on benches. Last line took forever and I was so tired. Frontside noseslide, treflip, front 50 front shove out. The front noses were horrid. I cannot do that trick to forward so I was jibbing the last bit of the bench. My standards were low for the day as it was just a solo session, but even with the bar so low I turned around and started over sometimes. I’m so jealous of Jason’s. Anyways I tried this run for awhile and when I did make it to the front 50 part I could never get on the bench so I switched ledge tricks. A few tries later I did it. Front 50 shove, 360 flip, bad bad front noseslide. I was hyped though. I sat for awhile feeling so so tired. I noticed that I cracked my board at some point and there was a hole in the bottom of my front shoe. Sweet.