skate journal: Broomfield spots with Null Crisis (Oct 26, 2010)

Easily the coldest day of the season so far and the wind was howling.  Not an ideal day for skating at all.  But Bernie and I rolled out from Boulder and met up with Derek, Aaron, Fuzz and some of the new Crisisish kids.  After some business the first spot was the gnarly bank spot basically right across the street.  Fuzz kicked it off with an ollie over two rebar beams, some thread the needle carving went down, Derek did a crazy ollie to fakie over the beams and Bernie did a crazy manual to thread the needle.  I didn’t land a single thing.Next up was a spot Fuzz and I will refer to as Yellow Curbs from here on out.  Such a sick parking garage spot protected from the wind.  Unfortunately business was still in session and we didn’t last real long.  Everyone, but me, did some rad manuals though and I managed to do several frontside slappies even though I’ve only done that trick a couple times before that.Last spot was the old Broomfield Ledges spot and the wind was in full effect as the sun set making it ridiculously cold.  No one had their winter mentallity in effect yet, but we all skated.  Most everyone there can easily get into manuals or nose manuals.  I was having troubles just ollie’ing up the stupid ledge.  I tried to wallie up it and kept hanging up.  Fuzz manualed it pretty quick.  Derek , Bernie and one of the kids nose mannied it.  Derek almost got nose manny nollie heel out and nose manual b/s pivot to switch manual.  Bernie almost got manny treflip out.  Aaron kickflipped up it.  I came somewhat close to a line of ollie up, no comply 180, sw f/s 180 off.  Near the end we were kinda dorking around.  Fuzz did ollie over the corner and stopper to noseslide.  We both got rock transfer around the corner.  Then we were dorking with stalls for awhile.  I got a rock shove out, b/s rock, front smith bail to hit my bad knee, and tried f/s smith stalls with kickflips out (never got close).  We had a way better time than we should have considering the weather.