A couple of awesome video parts this week

Posted in Amazing skate clips on September 25th, 2011 by corpo

Two dudes that kill long lines in the city. Bobby Worrest and Travis Erickson. Amazing.

skate journal: Just when I thought my knee was getting better (Sept 24, 2011)

Posted in Skate Journal on September 25th, 2011 by corpo

Took a couple days off skating because I was in Denver for my friend Zach’s wedding. Walked around a lot and felt pretty good. Picked up Max and Jack and headed to Northglenn for their skatepark grand opening party. It was mad chaos and the skatepark was basically unskateable. Brian and I skated in the basketball court for awhile. Neither of us doing too good. Derek and Jack joined us and we played a game of old people trick skate. Well, we started to at least until Brian went 0-3 on no comply 180 and left. Ha. We went on to play regular skate. Jack won the first game and Derek had to leave for work so Jack and I were playing another one before I totally won it (because he snapped his tail on a hardflip and couldn’t continue ha). My knee was not feeling good. It wasn’t in a lot of pain, but it was feeling weird. I took one run in the bowl with Dean. It was a fun bowl. Mellower than most, but too crowded for me to really skate it. That park looks fun. If it weren’t crazy crowded I’d like to skate it. We went back to Crisis so Jack could set up a board and leave my grip tape there. While he was doing that Dean, Max, Will and I went over to the Safeway ledge across the street. It was doing pretty good and I was having fun. I got front 5-0 shove real quick. Dean almost learned from 50 front shove in a few tries. Max did halfcab back 50 back 180 out, back 180 fakie 50 full cab out. Will made the basics look easy and got some fakie front tails. I had done a couple front crook jibs when my knee flared up. I was just squatting down, setting up for a frontside trick and the intense pain kicked in again. UGH UGH UGH UGH. After this we went to Hobby Lobby and for once no truck was there. It’s such a fun spot. All I did was push around on my filmer board for awhile while everyone else was having a blast. Dean got front 180 up, fakie ollie over the two. Jack did a nose manual! And some other rad stuff. Max was killing it and I ended up filming him for awhile. He got some good lines. Switch heel then fakie tre. Back 180 fakie manual halfcab out, hardflip. Looked fun. After that we went to the Black Dots show and had a blast playing foosball. Fun ender for a bummer of a day for me (because of my knee).

skate journal: Denver mission with a big crew (9/21/2011)

Posted in Skate Journal on September 25th, 2011 by corpo

Carleigh and Sketch arrived at my house and we rolled to Crisis to pick up Fuzz. It started raining hard. Really hard. We talked to Bernie in Denver and he said it was dry. We met up with Chad, Chris, Derek, Bernie, Jack, Max, Dean, Spencer and probably some other people I’m forgetting right now. It was indeed dry when we pulled into Denver, but by the time we said our hello’s it started raining. Doh. I had a couple fun downhill powerslides and Max skated through the rain anyways. After some food and chilling we ended up cruising around some spots. I was feeling like I had never rode on a skateboard before and it was really annoying. Everyone else seemed to be killing it. Jack had some crazy back 50s on a weird banked flat bar. Spencer was ollie’ing fire hydrants. Fuzz had a tall boardslide. There was a lot going on. We ended up at Tabor center. Fuzz, Sketch and I were dorking around on the bank. Well, they were skating it, I was being a dork on it. Eventually I just went to line out something to 180 on the stairs. I got a backside flip, halfcab flip, front 180 the stairs and then switch ride down the next set of three. Not sure where that came from but it hyped me up. Spencer and Max jumped over a rail. Jack almost died trying to manual wet marble. I think we eventually ended up back near where we parked. Spencer, Bernie and Derek did some funny manuals to a wall and pushed off to go back in manual. Jack, Carleigh and I played a game of SKATE. It didn’t go so good for me. Jack did a gnarly wallie and I started trying to line out some flatground tricks after ollie’ing up the curb. About the only trick I landed was a kickflip. Yippee. I landed on a nollie tre, but got wheel bite and fell. Weird night. Wish I could have skated more.