skate journal: boulder spots and filmer glen (June 28, 2013)

Another hot morning. I met up with Jack, Bernie and Garret at Meta, avoided a parking ticket and we rolled to Bear Creek Elementary. The railing thing I was thinking would be cool to do tricks over wasn’t really skateable so we just dorked around on a 2 block in the back. My legs were feeling very stiff and sore. Jack did a bunch of no complies and boneless tricks. I was barely able to ollie up one of them. Bernie and Garret just kinda lurked and talked about how they skated in the heat the day before too. I did do a drop down manual that was so stiff and awkward.


After looking at another spot we came to this which I’ve drove by a million times picking up India from ballet at the rec center. It ended up being pretty rad. I skated horribly and did a 2mph front 180 onto it and switch 90 off. Luckily I went to filmer duty and Jack came through with a good clip and Bernie got another manual with a kickflip out. Ha ha, it was sick though.

Next we ended up at Basemar where I immediately shot my new board into the creek. Doh. Luckily it was hot so it dried out quick and seemed fine. Jack did a wallie back 5-0 and Garret tried a million front noseslides. I skated after Jack got his trick. I was having fun doing some kickflips on the bank and some powerslides down the hill. Jack wanted to film it and on the first try hung up on a rock and slammed so hard. Doh! Then we started skating the kicker while Garret tried front noses. Jack did some impossibles. Connor and Blaine showed and Connor did every variation of 180. Carleigh got kickflip. I got a couple backside flips where I landed 90 degrees then turned it. I tried to get a clean one, but it didn’t happen. Garret eventually got rained out after several close tries on the front nose. Doh.

After some pizza we ended up at the ledge spot on the edge of campus. Before turning into filmer Glen I was skating pretty good for me. I’ve tried lines of crooks then kick back 50 several times when I’ve been there in the past, but this time it worked out and I got it a couple times. Stoked. Was also hyped to front 50 the tallest waxed ledge and front 50 shove out the regular one. I filmed Connor get a good line as thunder was looming then minutes later chaos ensued and we watched the hail storm from the covered area. So gnarly.
