skate journal: brief rampy session on ollie’s bday (April 27, 2014)

After a fun morning celebrating with Ollie by shooting nerf guns at each other and playing video games I went out to Rampy while he worked on homework. It was really fun. I was kinda feeling out something new to try and settled with fakie front smith stall to fakie. I landed a few. I had done fakie slash to fakie before, but only with a tiny little truck tap, not fully on like a smith. It hyped me up and the only times I landed it were in a run with a back smith stall. I also did a run with front d, fakie pivot fakie and front feeble. Well, that sounds good, but here’s how it really went. Axle stall, front d, rock fakie, fakie pivot fakie, tail stall, rock fakie, tail stall, front feeble. Oh well, still fun. Did a treflip on flat (with both hands down as that’s the only way I can land them now) to end it and called it a fun little session.