skate journal: blue skies with dave before the rain (may 6, 2015 day 122)

Met Dave at Blue Skies under cloudy skies with rain threatening. I arrived first and had about 10 minutes to get warmed up. I allowed me to get to the point of doing one line I had thought of. Ollie the flat bar, kickflip to fakie the bank, switch 180 on flat, back 180 the low part of the snake bar. When Dave arrived I tried to do front 180 the flat bar, fakie flip on the bank and then noseslide to fakie the tall ledge. Never got the noseslide fakie and really struggled with the front 180. Doh. Dave said I should add some spice with a switch hippy jump after the 180, but I’m not that cool. He demonstrated how easy the switch hippie jump was. He also did nollie shove revert (maybe it was fakie. goofy footers are so hard to figure out) on the bank, a bunch of boardsldies, a bunch of kickflips and more Dave smoothness. I got close to front 50 kickflip out, but then the rain started.

(setup 8.25 null venture wides bones med bushings stf 51mm nb+ stratford 479)