skate journal: more rain more rampy (may 8, 2015 day 124)

Posted in Skate Journal on May 9th, 2015 by corpo

So I’m supposed to learn backside bonelesses now for the game of #theglenandjosholdfartlongdistanceinstagramtricksuperchallenge. I have never tried it before. Not even on the streets. So I went out to Rampy on a rainy Friday afternoon. Did some warming up with normal runs and felt pretty good. The new PJs are really grippy. Got front feeble, front tail, couldn’t get front d to surgarcane. Then I tried a bunch of back bonelesses. None of them even resembled a back boneless. I could not keep my back foot with the board. I would be telling myself as I went up the wall “only take the front foot off” then a second later my back foot would be on the coping. Ugh. I don’t think I’ll be doing that trick on Rampy. But I’ll probably keep trying. I skated flat a lot too. Went through a few basics before trying switch heels for a long time. I got soooo close. It really got me excited. I still have a long ways to go, but feel like it’s finally at least possible. At the end I got an itch to try hardflips and put my feet on a couple of them, but never quite got it. Either way, I was hyped. Also did a fakie varial flip revert. Ha, going oh so slow. Fun day, I skated really hard.

(setup 8.25 null venture wides bones med bushings stf 51mm nb+ pj stratfords)