skate journal: flatground friday before work with new stuff (july 15, 2016 day 197)

Above is pretty much it. I had the desire for better board feel and decided to go right into flatground friday with some old vulcs sitting in my closet. Some NB# Quincys before the move to NB. They felt very different then the thick and stiff PJs. I have a good heel bruise going on (which is weird since I’ve been skating the PJs) so that hurt for awhile. I got through a few basic tricks then went into the 10×10. Can’t believe I couldn’t land a nollie tre. I even tried for a long time after the 10×10. I was closer on the fakie tre recently. Doh. Getting used to the thinner vulcs was a little rough, we’ll see how it goes. That family was so annoying though. I was taking up like 50×10 feet of the huge foundation and they had to keep coming right at me. Ugh.

(setup 8.1 Krooked Manderson deck, venture low lights, standard thunder bushings, 1/16″ riser, 3 washers inside each axle, 51mm STF V1, old NB# Quincy maroon)