skate journal: trying to learn nollie heel or flips in the garage (jan 11, 2018)

Went out to the garage wanting to try some new shoes that hurt my feet less. Well, not new shoes, but shoes that have been in my closet wanting to be skated. I started with some Adidas Suciu shoes. They felt alright. I literally just tried nollie flip then nollie heelflip over and over on the putter. I got close to both, but never both feet on close. My heel kept hurting and that shoe is super thin so I grabbed my NB 868s. It was kind of crazy how much better they felt. Way gripper and just plain felt better. But it didn’t result in a make on either trick. I hucked a few nollie inward heels and got close right away, but then it drifted away. I ended up riding my normal 8″ board and getting just as close. I added in a few treflip attempts. I landed quite a few of them with a hand down. I was out there for awhile. I had a few heelflips too. I like skating the garage like that.

(setup putter/8″ adidas suciu/nb 868s)