skate journal: Louiville park with Neil&Jason ( Dec 1)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 3rd, 2008 by corpo

Got to the park about 9.  It was a bit windy, but no so bad.  No one was there and it took awhile for the lights to come on, but it was worth it.  We had a good time.  Jason did a good front smith grind on the ledge then went to follow it up with a feeble on the flatbar and killed his back after a primo landing.  Ugh!  Neil of course shredded everything.  My highlights were maybe getting a front smith grind.  It may have been a 5-0 though.  My lowlights were not landing front 5-0 shove, 360 flip fakie, back nosegrind on the little ledge, and the list goes on ……..

skate journal: Boulder park with Ollie then Circuit City frustration (Nov 30)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 2nd, 2008 by corpo

On a cloudy day in the mid 30s with some flurries going on Ollie decided he wanted to go skateboarding.  Go figure.  We ended up at a very not crowded Boulder skatepark and actually had a blast.  We mostly skated the bowls and Ollie probably went the highest up a wall he’s ever gone.  It was pretty cool.  Then we skated the little bump area above the spine where it’s a really long, mellow table top.  He ollied into it pretty good once.  Rad.  I didn’t really skate too hard, but had fun doing grinds out of the bowl roll in area.  Ollie is so fun to skate with.Later on a few people ended up at Circuit City since it was kinda cold out.  I had a new board and was unable to land any flip tricks and it was making me mad.  I played a game of SKATE with Jake and lost after missing so many tricks.  Ugh.  Right after that I played a game of ledge SKATE with Nate and Jason and that was actually fun.  I landed back 50, back 5-0, front 5-0 first try.  Then the cops came and we had to leave.  So lame.