skate journal: rampy with india’s old board (March 2, 2014)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 2nd, 2014 by corpo

It’s a sunday so that must mean the weather is crap. 18 degrees. Yeap. I hibernated most of the day away then before dinner forced myself to go out on Rampy. Ollie and his friends had kinda trashed the ramp playing around in there so I was putting stuff away and came upon India’s old board. The original Null board from 2003 (only available in 7.5), Thunder lows and some kinda big wheels. I started playing around on it on flat. Kickflips were so easy. I skated the ramp awhile on my board. Then I settled into a routing of skating India’s board on flat then my board on the ramp where I basically just setup for a frontside ollie. I had a few that felt decent for me. On flat I started posing switch tres and they felt doable. Never got one, but landed with one foot on a couple times.

Went in for dinner, then came out again a little later after playing nerf guns with Ollie. Did a few more tricks on Rampy. Tried more switch tres on Indias board and felt close. Landed a front heel kind of. I probably shouldn’t have skated that little board because I really liked it. I did take a couple runs on the ramp with it. It didn’t feel so good on ramp.

skate journal: sol ramp (march 1, 2014)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 2nd, 2014 by corpo

Snow and a high in the teens. That should set the tone. I lounged around late, napped, slacked, etc. I met up with Dave and Bernie at Sol. Scotty, Nolan and another were there when Dave and I showed and they were skating flatground. My arthritis was so bad, but I tried to join them. My first few kickflips felt so bad. Then they wanted to play SKATE. Great. That Nolan had landed every flatground trick I saw him try. Guess he can skate more then just transition. I was the first one out. But it wasn’t such a bad game for me.

Then we skated the ramp for awhile. Dave was having an off day. He had some scary slams. Bernie got frontside ollies back. Nolan slays that ramp so hard he gives Riley a run for the money. He learned pop shove front crooks while we were there. I could not do a front disaster. So lame. I took forever to land much of any tricks, but near the end I pulled a few out. Front d, fakie back smith fakie, b/s scratch revert, front rock, back smith stall, fakie axle stall. Man, that’s pathetic. Dave had some rad manuals across the deck, a fakie early grab melon, and so many more patented Dave tricks. Scotty skated the ramp for a bit. Threw up some lofts FSAs, back lips. As much as I sucked at the end it was fun. Too bad I was so sore I could hardly walk when I got home. F’ing arthritis. I blame the weather.