skate journal: brief garage flippers (dec 9, 2018)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on December 12th, 2018 by corpo

After a long day with lots of chilling and family time I went into the garage around 9pm after putting an old 8.25″ deck on.  It felt good.  I did a few basics, took awhile to get a treflip, called it a night.  Oh yeah, I mixed up a few shoes to see if they helped and some old City Cups worked out after I tightened them up.

(setup null 8.25 spanbauer deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks, bones  bushings (medium big bottom one, hard top one), no washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 radial blue/yellow swirl 52mm 99a wheels, adidas city cup size 11, stock insoles)
(pain level 3/10 ankle loosened up a bit)

skate journal: broomfield hangover session (dec 8, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 12th, 2018 by corpo

Around 1pm I went to Broomfield park to meet several others and intended to get to Darin’s at some point.  I didn’t drink a whole lot so I was mostly just tired, but still felt kind of emotionally drained.  The first thing I noticed was Kevin doing a super fast manual on the black box.  He was ripping.  He was skating with Sean and Mike in the black ledge area.  Jake and Matt were there.  This is one of those entries that I am writing way too far after the fact and I remember almost no tricks until I started filming later on.  I know I wasn’t too motivated and it showed.  I also miss the red curb a lot.  After awhile Jack, Carleigh and Nolan showed.  Jack was in kill mode again.  Riley, Donnie and Garrett were there too.  I filmed most people do tricks from the qpotty onto the hubba and back down.  Riley did kickflip to fakie and then switch flip off!  Nolan had a nice 180 up, fakie flip, then kickflip off.  Donnie treflip fakie.  Jack almost manual up fakie flip off.  Sean gap back 50 up.  More tricks went down.  I was freezing cold just standing there.  After that I just tried to do slappy crooks on the lower part of the brown ledge to make up for the missing red curb.  Then we had margs and hung out and watched skate vids.  Fun times.

(setup null 8.5 perception deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks, doh doh bushings (yellow top, blue bottom) bushings, 2 washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 radial blue/yellow swirl 52mm 99a wheels, new balance numeric 212 black/white size 11.5, stock insoles)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: premiere day at york st! (dec 7, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 9th, 2018 by corpo

Woke up feeling good on the big Stubborns premiere day. I headed to Denver before everyone and brought boards to Emage and 303. I met Nolan and Jack at York St on a sunny, but cool day. My ankle was still pretty locked up and even nose manuals at curb level were scary to put weight on. Jack was destroying it. I saw boardslide 270 shove, back tail, back tail shove, pop shove nosegrind, front tail bigspin, I don’t know, so many tricks as I sat there catching up with Nolan. Ladd joined us and then eventually Joe. Ladd, Nolan and I mostly hit the manny pad while Jack was lining out the ledge area. The only thing I got was a nose manual. Nolan had 50 to nose manual, manual to boardslide. Ladd seemed close to manual kickflip out. Jack joined and manualled the narrow ledge, also late shoved off it. Some ridiculous stuff. I had some crooks and slow 50s on the granite ledge, Nolan had some basics. I filmed him do some tricks on the bank, Jack did some ledge tricks. I’m not writing enough about this session. It was a long one, but I was distracted by the upcoming premiere and don’t remember much.

(setup null 8.5 perception deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks, doh doh bushings (yellow top, blue bottom) bushings, 2 washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 radial blue/yellow swirl 52mm 99a wheels, new balance numeric 212 black/white size 11.5, stock insoles)
(pain level 5/10 ankle loosened up a bit)

skate journal: garage messing around with a hurting ankle (dec 6, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 9th, 2018 by corpo

My left ankle/achilles was having a nice arthritis flare up. I went into the garage without many intentions. I did some manuals and stuff. I tried a mixture of shoes to see if they helped at all. Nothing really seemed to matter. I switched between DC Vestrey, 212s and Sucius. Since it was my front foot that hurt I tried nollie/switch flick tricks. Committed to nollie fs flip and got close, but never got both feet on it. Switch f/s flips didn’t feel close.

(setup null 8.5 perception deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks, doh doh bushings (yellow top, blue bottom) bushings, 2 washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 radial blue/yellow swirl 52mm 99a wheels, various shoes)
(pain level 7/10 left ankle/achilles arthritis)

skate journal: crowded square house madness (dec 4, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 6th, 2018 by corpo

Cold night. Went to Square House with plans to meet Dave and Brian there. When I arrived I was the only one there. I was pretty hyped, although my first few cruises around the park were terrible. I slammed pretty bad on a cab kickturn. Argh. Then Uriel and a few dudes showed followed shortly by another crew of skaters. I mostly skated the ledge for a bit, got a few crooks, stuck on front 50s. Uriel had no problem back nosegrinding it though. I started skating the miniramp for awhile and finally Dave and Brian showed. Along with Dave L and Skate Ratz Bryan. Cool. My bigger setup has been under fire lately, but I must admit it was nice on the ramp. That ramp is hard to skate and I haven’t skated a ramp in awhile, but it was fun. Back 50s are always a blast. I got a couple other of my basics, but couldn’t get front lipslides. Dave was happy to see his old ramp again and quickly went to ripping it. Then we hit the mellow bank, manual pad, quarterpipe area for a awhile. Dave was grinding over the smaller qp and doing fakie shoves on the mellow bank. Dave L was doing fast Gino style manuals, nose manuals and switch manuals. I took a long time to get kickflip to fakie on the mellow bank. It was much harder than you would think because of the navigation around it. But the couple I got felt fun and I followed one up with a little bean plant. And I almost got killed by Donnie on his first line through the park. I hit the step up for awhile. Got sketchy kickflip and backside flip. I couldn’t tell if the bigger setup was helping me or hurting. It was hard to flip, but easy to land on. That was basically it for me as my body was having some unusual aches and pains. Brian had been ripping the ramp and then was doing a doubles with Donnie seen above. Bryan had some cool tricks like fakie bigspin tail 270 shove out. Dave was still killing it and was transferring from the steep little qp into the ramp, front pivot on the edge of the middle qp, back 5-0s on the little qp, etc. Fun night. I’m still undecided on the bigger setup.

(setup null 8.5 perception deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks, doh doh bushings (yellow top, blue bottom) bushings, 2 washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 radial blue/yellow swirl 52mm 99a wheels, new balance numeric 212 black/white size 11.5, stock insoles)
(pain level 7/10 i appear to be having an arthritis flare up ugh)

skate journal: garage failing (dec 3, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 4th, 2018 by corpo

On a cold night I skated in the garage for about an hour. I struggled and I think I hit the all of a big setup. Argh. I couldn’t get a clean 360 flip or land a double flip. I came remotely close to nollie fs flip. Couldn’t get heelflip either. I wish my deck wasn’t so new so I could put a smaller one on.

(setup null 8.5 perception deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks, doh doh bushings (yellow top, blue bottom) bushings, 2 washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 radial blue/yellow swirl 52mm 99a wheels, new balance numeric 212 black/white size 11.5, stock insoles)
(pain level 2/10)

skate journal: super fun times after finishing stubborns on campus with jack and carleigh (dec 2, 2018)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on December 4th, 2018 by corpo

Late on a cold Sunday afternoon I brought the master DVD in to Mike’s got get duplicated then felt like hitting my favorite slappy crooks curb. Jack and Carleigh were gonna meet me in awhile. I started with slappy crooks of course. So fun. Although I couldn’t get slappy front crooks. I was having fun lining out things, then got side tracked for a bit trying to ollie over the parking block onto the median and then over the next parking block. It was an embarrassing display of no ollie skills, but I stuck with it and did it. I’m trying not to shy away from ollies I should be able to do anymore. Then I stated trying a line for awhile. Manual the median, slappy crook, no comply 180, switch front nose the curbba. It took awhile and Jack and Carleigh had arrived, but I did it. Jack no complied then no comply flipped the median. Carleigh no complied it too, then did a little ride on back tail on the median curb cut. Jack went on a rampage. Kickflips over the median, pop shoves over it, sketchy rideaways. Then we moved into the campus a little. We looked at the parking block to 2 stair, but it had a car. We looked at a couple other spots. Ended up at a new loading dock thing. Jack nose manual shoved it quick. Carleigh and I ollied up. Well, Carleigh did and made it off. I kept hanging up. Jack did a crazy hop to boardjib hippy hop. We hit a dorky ledge for a minute. Carleigh and I ollied the 3 stair by it. Then we hit the ledge in the photo/clip. Jack did front 5-0 somehow (that doesn’t grind) then front tail fs flip out. Whoa! Carleigh had some steezy boardslides. I got into 50, but blame the ledge for not landing it, then did the switch nose jib shove in a few tries. Fun day cruising with no plans to film anything.

(setup null 8.5 perception deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks, doh doh bushings (yellow top, blue bottom) bushings, 2 washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 radial blue/yellow swirl 52mm 99a wheels, new balance numeric 212 black/white size 11.5, stock insoles)
(pain level 3/10 hard to get lower than 3/10 when it’s that cold)

skate journal: research area with sean on a cold day (dec 1, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 3rd, 2018 by corpo

Taking a break from editing Stubborns I met up with Sean at the research area. I got there first and went over and rode down the Max stairs a few times. Then as I rolled down the hill this car rolled right behind me all weird preventing me from having fun down the hill. Sean and I hit the ledge for a bit. I didn’t skate it too well. We didn’t really hit it for long. But it was long enough for Sean to do 5-0s, tailslides, etc all easy. We had done a few lines up and the curb and stuff. I don’t think I got a crooks even. Then we went off to cruise around the building as the ledge area was in the shade and a bit of a wind tunnel. We rode down the stairs a few times. Sean ollied up all of them first try. We ended up at the 2 up 4 down area and had some fun. Lines got longer and we ended up dorking out a flip trick, silly ledge trick, up the 2 then down the 4. Sean had a few lines ending in 180s and nollie. His banger ender was switch heel, halfcab noseslide, ollie up, kickflip down. My best was something like pop shove, nollie tail, ollie up (with a little feeble scratch since I can’t ollie backside very well) then ollie the 4. We chatted about trucks and stuff for awhile after that.

(setup null 8.5 perception deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks, doh doh bushings (yellow top, blue bottom) bushings, 2 washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 radial blue/yellow swirl 52mm 99a wheels, new balance numeric 212 black/white size 11.5, stock insoles)
(pain level 4/10 haven’t been stretching because of so much editing)

skate journal: dog park with the daves (nov 29, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 1st, 2018 by corpo

With some Stubborns glitches I decided to try skating. I wasn’t very motivated and it showed. Dave’s friend Dave L skated and he was ripping. Front boards, front blunts, front blunt shoves, etc. I had take my riser off which was a little weird actually. It did make ollies feel good though. Well, the ledge felt taller, but ollieing over the round bar came pretty easy. I struggled with all flip tricks, got a couple crooks on the ledge. Regular Dave had some sick bluntslides, boardslide shove on the round bar, feeble the round bar and almost died on the round bar. He was skating my garage sale board since he forgot his setup.

(setup null 8.5 perception deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks with forged baseplate, doh doh bushings (yellow bottom, blue top) bushings, 2 washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 radial blue/yellow swirl 52mm 99a wheels, new balance numeric 212 black/white size 11.5, stock insoles)
(pain level 2/10)

skate journal: flatground in front of the house (nov 28, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on December 1st, 2018 by corpo

On a windy day it calmed down slightly before I had to go to the chiropractor. I skated flat for about 30 minutes. It went alright. I got a couple bad 360 flips. Had a bs halfcab heel I think.

(setup null 8.5 perception deck, 5.8 venture black icon trucks with forged baseplate, 1/8″ riser, doh doh bushings (orange on bottom, blue on top), 2 washers inside each axle, spitfire f4 radial blue/yellow swirl 52mm 99a wheels, new balance numeric 212 cream size 11.5, stock insoles)
(pain level 2/10)