skate journal: Stonehenge in the morning with the kids, the random stuff later (aug 24)

Took Ollie and a buddy to Stonehenge in the morning ( aka the bank to curb spot ). They wanted to go to a skatepark, but I didn’t feel like watching over two kids worrying that some stupid BMXer would run into them or something. Plus my take on kids at skateparks is that you should be able to skate before you go to them. The session was actually quite fun. I got a front smith fakie which I haven’t done in forever. I also put a rock after the loading dock and would move it out further everytime I landed an ollie. I got out about 5 feet which is pretty weaksauce. Whatevs though, it was fun.coolI setup a new deck that the kids decorated for me then went out again around 8pm since it was so nice outside. I ended up at this weird/stupid area that has a tall bench surrounded by cracks and some crack ridden manny pads. I was trying to piece together some lines, but ended up getting kicked out. Oh well, sleepy sleep sounds good.