skate journal: Northside park with Trick Factory (oct 4)

9 dudes in a mini van up to Ft Collins.  Gabe, Joey (Gabe’s friend from Baltimore), Neil, Jake, Jason, Fuzz, Brian, Rob and me.  Tight crew.  We got there around 1 with the intention of skating street after a quick warmup at the park.  We left the park when it got dark.  It’s just that fun.  I filmed Fuzz and Brian for awhile.  I messed up Brian by getting too close to his runout and ruining him for the rest of the day.  Doh.  After filming Fuzz though I felt more hyped to skate.  After being frustrated with my skating I finally landed a line I’ve been trying for awhile.  Roll in, kickflip on the brick wall, axle stall on the bank to ledge, back smith stall on the brick bank.  Yippee.  Not worth filming.