skate journal: Denver with Nate (Nov 9)

After an impromptu sleep over the morning was spent going on a gnarly hike with Liz.  We got back and I straight took a nap thinking the kids would be home any minute wanting to play.  But their friends kept saying it would be awhile longer.  Screw it, no more waiting.  Nate and I bolted to Denver around 2 for a couple hours of fun.  We went to the Harley banks where within 5 minutes I slammed hard and the cops came.  Ugh.We drove downtown and parked near the rail that Monico ends the Null video with.  But we skated the mellow bank as a flat bank.  Nate did a nollie fs flip easy and got a couple switch front heels.  I was very happy to get fakie treflip and treflip fakie amonst some other tricks like first try big flip.  Super fun.  Then we rolled around hitting various spots til we would get kicked out.  Nothing really stands out other than it was fun and we skated hard.  Rad.