skate journal: filming with Neil (Nov 15)

Another suprisingly nice day in the 50s.  Headed out with Neil with no spots in mind and a video camera.  We ended up at Fairview High struggling at the tricks we wanted to do.  I ended up attempting to gap over a small flat gap to front 50 and after about 100 tries I landed one.  Neil was kind enough to film it and I struggled trying to switch 180 up a curb to start the run.  It eventually went down though and I thank Neil for filming it.  I’m actually pretty hyped on it.  Next up we ended up at a building in north Boulder that had a little manny pad, bike rack and gap where Neil put together a nice line consisting of a halfcab manny, ollie the bike rack then one foot the gap.  Tight!Later that night I skated in my garage for a few minutes attempting the first 10 tricks on my list of tricks to do.  I made this list a couple of years ago when I would skate flat in my garage in the winter.  I had some new shoes so it made things slightly more difficult then they should be.  They were however, shoes from the living legend Tyler Price so if you see me frontside flipping double sets, you’ll know it was the shoes.