skate journal: Rampy with Nate. So fun! (Dec 11)

Nate’s first time at Rampy. We were just getting warmed up when India opened the door and said Ollie threw up again. Ugh! We thought he had this crazy allergy to the masonite or something, but it’s looking like it’s probably just the flu.Anyways, after taking care of that Nate and I got back to skating and wow it ended up being really fun. It was the first time I’ve really sessioned it with someone else for more then a few minutes. By the end of the night I had landed a few tricks I’ve never done on tranny before – nollie pivot, nollie feeble and nollie axle stall to fakie. Nate did a first time ever tail stall backside revert. Other tricks I’ve landed on tranny before, but not on Rampy were front 50 and front disaster. Super fun night.