skate journal: red curbs with Jason (Jan 15)

First red curbs session in awhile.  It was late and cold.  Flip tricks didn’t work.  Long front 5-0s on the curb were though as well as crooks on the ledge.  I was still in the warm up stage and Jason and I started trying noseslide front 270 out on the ledge.  I kept getting close until I finally landed a couple.  Jason was getting so close but landing on both trucks before rotating.  I told him to “just fall on the back trucks”.  Next try as he was getting into the noseslide his front axle goes flying off.  I’m laughing so hard because I pretended like he took it so serious that he loosened up his trucks so the front would come off and he could only land on the back.  So funny.  Too short of a session, but it was cold.