skate journal: Boulder park in the morning for a bit, then pain on Rampy (Feb 17)

No matter how late I stay up the kids still get up at 7 and wake me up.  This week I don’t have to be to work until after 9am so I had some time to kill after the kids went to school and it was warm out so I chose to skate the Boulder park and write this run on sentence about it.  I didn’t feel like ollieing really and kinda just cruised around for awhile before kind of focusing on a line: Drop in on the 8′ bowl, 5-0 out of the roll in, rolldown the steep wall, ollie the nipple thing, go around, ride over the table top then backside ollie the weird hip, turn and frontside ollie the pyramid hip.  I didn’t do any of them worth a damn, but it was a fun way to start off the day.Later on Ollie and I were skating Rampy before dinner.  Things were going decent in between Ollie’s 20 minute runs of pumping until I slammed insanely hard trying to recover from a fakie 50 fakie.  I don’t know what happened other then I tried to bail, but stepped right back on my board.  SUCK!