skate journal: SF DAY 4 (March 9)

Another sunny day in SF, another day started at 3rd & Army.  But this time we raided the Lowcard warehouse first.  All jazzed up with fresh gear and no hangovers led to some decent skating quickly.  Neil was killing it out of the gates.  No surprise there, he never needs a warmup.  I had my favorite line of the trip and I hardly even left the ground.  Back 50 up the ledge down the 2 stair, super lame backside ollie on the quarterpipe, ollie/wallie up the tall ledge, ollie to painful landing off, jump off the board onto the 2nd stair, ollie the tiniest gap, manual the the next stair and a kickflip on flat.  After how bad I’d been skating on this trip it was seriously fun to land a couple tricks.  After that I backside 50’d down the little ledge on the 2 stair as well.  I think that might be my first time ever back 50’ing down anything.  After that the session pretty much went downhill for me.  Others were ripping, but I hurt my foot on a halfcab flip in a game of SKATE against Jake.  DOH.  After awhile we went back to a jersey barrier spot that I didn’t skate before, but got kicked out right away.  Next up was the Flower Shop again.  My foot was dead so instead of skating the gnarly tranny I just hiked a little hill and bombed it about 20 times.  It was really fun.  Then Gabe, Neil, Fuzz and Gordon did it like it was nothing.  Oh well, at least I got mine in the Pizza Eating contest that followed.  Pictures soon.  After stuffing 23 peices of pizza in my face we hit the Lowcard ramp where guess what, I sucked!  It took me like 20 tries to land an axle stall.  I wish I could blame it on the pizza, but the fact is the pool coping, tight tranny and my numb foot were to blame.  I had one run with a couple tricks in it, but never got to the ones I wanted to try.  Fuzz, Lazer and Gordon killed it.