skate journal: Cheyenne park for St Flattys Day (March 15)

It was super nice and warm in Boulder and Neil and I headed up to Cheyenne for the annual St Flattys Day contest. For some reason or another I’ve missed all of Rich’s contests due to work or something, but I had no excuse this time.  Of course it was windy up there.  Ugh.  Anyways, dudes were ripping.  Bernie and crew showed up as well as some Ft Collins crew.  Neil was skating good.  I’m basically skating in dork mode until my foot heals up and am lot allowing myself to do flip tricks at all.  Such a bummer.  Especially because they had a game of SKATE that I would have loved to enter.  I doubt I would have gone far, but whatever, I definitely wished I could have entered.  At one point I had a little line going basically copying what Neil did, but not as good.  Ollie into the flat bank, ollie the hip, no comply tail on the stepup bank, then a ledge trick.  But I never got a ledge trick.  figures.  Dorking around some more on the green pyramid I did a manual up, nose manual the flat, manual down.  Dorky, but fun.  Neil and I skated the bowl for awhile too.  We had fun just cruising around and it warmed us up.  Damn that wind!  Before turning into a judge Neil and I skated the tiny little quarterpipe that goes up to the kinked ledge.  I had tried a couple nosestalls and some kid decided he had to show me he was better and did it.  Pretty funny.  After that I tried Front 5-0s to fakie and ended up getting a couple where I even grinded.  Stoked.  Now I need to do it on Rampy.  Fun day.  But screw that wind.