meta web cupcake

Posted in Colorado Skate Videos on March 30th, 2009 by corpo

So many fun looking spots and I can’t believe how hard Jeff slams on them.

Done tiling

Posted in Me Me Me on March 30th, 2009 by corpo

Liz putting in the last piece of the puzzle.  Grouting next.  CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS TO BE DONE.

skate journal: a bit of street skating with Neil and Nate (March 29)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 30th, 2009 by corpo

After another not fun at all day in the tub I picked up Neil on a nice afternoon to try and find a decent sized patch of dry concrete.  We met up with Nate where he works and just stayed there at Google.  Nate lowered the yellow bank and we skated that as well as a snow pile and the bank into the parking garage.  Nate was ripping.  Neil wasn’t very motivated.  I felt like I was learning to skate all over again.  It took me several tries but I was able to ollie a little snow pile that Nate and Neil had no problems with.  Landing in cupsoles rules.  I had one little mini run with an ollie over the snowpile then feeble to fakie on the bank.  Yippee.  One of the ollies over the snowbank felt really good.  After awhile we were playing a game of SKATE, but I got a call from work so it just fell apart.  I cracked my board really bad on a heelflip then focused it before we left.  Hyped to be able to street skate again.

skate journal: flat in front of my house for 5 minutes (March 28)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 30th, 2009 by corpo

Crazy how quickly the snow melts off the streets in the spring eh?  After a long ass day of tiling I grabbed my board and went out for a few minutes.  I pretty much sucked, but wasn’t expecting much.  The only surprise was a second try heelflip.  Cupsoles are sick for heel tricks.  Hyped I can actually skate without much foot pain.

skate journal: 10 tricks on rampy (March 26)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 30th, 2009 by corpo

A blizzard outside, but inside Rampy is nice and warm.  After a long day of working from home, playing with the kids and working on the shower I went out to try something I’ve never done before – 10 different tricks in one run.  Knowing me that means about 20 rock fakie/tail stalls as well so it’s a long run.  I got to 9 like 5 times and I would be dead at the end of that.  I had a rule going where if I did less than six different tricks I had to do two kickflips on flat.  Fun.  My foot isn’t hurting so much anymore.  I probably would have gotten to 10 quickly, but one of the biggest problems was frontside 50s decided to be mean to me and I would slam often.  I guess I can blame it on the cupsoles, but still.  Anyways I got a 10 trick run and was laying in the flat breathing when my work phone went off.  Ugh!