skate journal: Red Curbs with Nate (April 1)

Somewhat chilly night in the 30s Nate and I hit red curbs around 9pm.  Man I love being able to actually skate again and not have my foot killing me.  I was definitely still skating like crap, but it was fun.  We skated mostly the curbs and I felt like I was relearning 50s and crooks.  I couldn’t lay into a crooks on the 2 stair ledge to save my life although I would somehow land it almost everytime.  I can jib a crook everytime but I hate it.  Trying to grind it doesn’t seem to work for me.  I just pop right out everytime. Argh.  We tried some other stuff too.  I’m really trying to learn how to ollie so I went around ollieing the yellow flat bars over and over then tried to ollie a orange thing that was kinda tall.  Never got it.  Came close though before getting too tired.  I ended up ollieing it off the curb which is still somewhat hard because of the quick setup.  I suck at ollies.  Nate was killing back 180 fakie 50s, but had wrecked himself trying the ol’ front 50 back 180.  It got real cold come leaving time.  Skating ist rad.