skate journal: Red Curbs with Nate in the cold again (April 5)

Can you tell I’m sick of the cold? Early April is always the worst time of the year for me as it seems March is always warmer. And well, my birthday is almost here and I’m almost another year older. 36. That’s now “upper 30s”. I think I’ve been pretty bummed on how I’ve been skating lately, but my foot is feeling better and I finally have no excuses. Anways, enough bitchng. Best session I’ve had since I hurt my foot. Nate and I went straight to business and we were landing tricks we don’t normally do right out of the gates and trying new tricks. Nate was doing really good switch front boards on the ledge and put together an all switch run: switch front board, switch heel, switch front 5-0 the curb. SO SICK! I didn’t put any runs together but managed a few weaksauce fakie nosegrinds on the ledge and grinded a few fakie 5-0s on the curb. Oh and I did the two best front tailslides I’ve ever done. After awhile we went to the heated Circuit City parking garage where we had a slow starting game of SKATE that ended as the cops rolled up. We didn’t get kicked out, but it was our cue to leave. Finally, I skated better than horrible.