skate journal: Louisville park with Jason (April 14)

Jason picked me up before 9 and we raced the lights shutting off at the park for about an hour. At first there was some really annoying kids there throwing stuff at their car and acting there age and all that. Geez, don’t they know skateparks are for old people that don’t like loud noises. Ha. Anyways after awhile there was just about 5 of us and the other dudes were rad. Jason started off in bad shape. He couldn’t even get onto a backside boardslide on the low part of the flatbar. It was kinda funny, but he got it going quickly. I wasn’t exactly skating great either. Jason and I ollied a cone on flat. Jason 2nd try. Me 5 or 6 tries. Felt really good though. We mostly skated the ledge. I finally landed some crooks again. Did a few to fakie. Got a few back 50s and almost one with a shove out. Tried a bunch of front 50 back 180s and finally landed one after like 50 tries. Couldn’t get a 5-0 shove so started just trying 50 shoves and kept slamming. Then the lights shut off.