skate journal: Longmont spots with TF (April 19)

Finally a nice day.  The sun was so bright that the snow melted off the street by noon.  I skated flat for a bit in front of my house while waiting for people to show up.  I felt really old and stiff.  Ugh.  I eventually landed some of the basics, but it was not pretty.  Then we went to Longmont.  Jason and I were in my car and Fuzz, Brian, Neil and Lazer were on their bikes following us to a little skatepark in Longmont.  For some reason those dudes were driving really slow and we lost them.  While turning around to wait for them I remembered a bank to curb spot and Jason and I got out to check it out.  It’s got a bad crack at the bottom, but it’s a really quick bank to curb that would be epic if that crack was bondoed (sp?).  Anyways we skated it for awhile and had fun.  We even ollie a little gap over a curb down a drop.  Well, Jason ollied it, I ollied half of it.  Then we met up with those dudes at the little cement park in town.  It’s way smaller than I remember, but it was a blast.  Neil, Fuzz and Lazer killed the ollie grabs over the hip.  Everyone was skating pretty hard except Brian who decided to just take his bruised knee and huck down the rail.  He slappy boardslid it somehow and almost front boarded it too.  Jason killed the front boards.  I had fun.  My ‘highlights’ (and that’s a term I use loosely when I refer to my skating) were nosesliding down the curbed hubba, ollieing up the tall ledge, boardslide around the c ledge (so insanely fun), and wow, I can’t think of anything else.  Next we went to a little manny pad spot where, surprise surprise, Fuzz killed it.  Jason and I skated too, but I didn’t really land anything.  Last up was the OG junk spot.  I say ‘OG’ because it was the first place we started filming for Off The Couch.  Jason and I were playing a game of SKATE on the bank to curb thing when Brian went down real hard trying a wallride.  Real hard.  And he sat all weird on his knee.  He’s gonna be out for awhile.  Bummer.  Jason and I tried nosesliding the ledge over the gap for awhile.  Jason was actually going fast enough to do it, but couldn’t lock in.  I was going too slow to ever make the gap, but it was kinda fun trying.