skate journal: downtown with Jake and Nate (April 21)

Jake picked me up around 8:30pm and we met Nate at St Julien.  I pretty much didn’t land anything other then a crooks and a really slow front tail.  Seeing as how I’m horrible at front tails this still put a smile on my face.  Next up we started skating a weird rock by the Canyon rail.  You know, just to get warmed up for the rail.  Nate got some sick side rock ‘n roll things and Jake and I got some rockride stuff too.  I got wallride fakie, fakie wallride and front wallride.  Pretty fun considering how narrow the rock is.  Then we started trying different lines with the nearby little manny pad.  I got a couple that made me happy.  I’m sure if they were filmed though I would be completely disgusted with them.  The first one was back 180 up the curb, halfcab flip then 180 nose manual.  Second one was kickflip up the curb, rockride to fakie, nose manual, heelflip, turn around then do a 180 nose manual.  I’m pretty sure the nose manual was the only trick bearable on the eyes.  Anyways, it was a blast.  Next up was the mini quarterpipes at Wells Fargo where Jake learned and mastered the back 5-0 to fakie.  We all did them, but Jake’s were proper.  Mine had the lame late revert thing I like to do.  I also did a hurricane grind for the first time ever.  I dedicated it to Brian’s knee healing it up so he should be out skating soon.  Last up was a two stair manny pad thing where I completely blew a fun evening by sucking incredibly bad.  I believe I fell at least 5 times ollieing up the 2 stair.  And no, this aint no big 2.  Minus the 2 stair session the evening was a blast.