skate journal: downtown denver with Nate, Chris Jones and a crew (May 14)

One of my all time favorite things to do on a skateboard is just cruise around a city with a small crew and hit whatever we find (except for stairs and gaps of course).  Luckily Nate is pretty into it too.  We met up with Chris and his crew and started off at a little manual pad parking garage spot.  Rad, it was like driving to Denver and skating red curbs.  I almost got a no comply 270 tailslide out of the gates and almost got a manual to cali grind.  But we got kicked out pretty quickly by security which would turn out to be a pretty frequent occurance all night.  After dorking around on some stuff we ended up at a tall marble ledge.  Nate almost back 50’d it and I almost front boarded it.  3rd boot of the night.  Yes,  a 2nd boot had occurred between the first and 3rd.  After awhile we ended up at some weird planters that were basically 45 degree wallrides about a foot off the ground and only about 2 feet tall.  So you didn’t have much room to work with.  One dude was ripping it.  I think his name was Darin or Dylan or something.  Shit, sorry.  Nate and Chris put down a lot of tricks while I spent forever trying to get a backside wallride.  Ugh.  After finally getting it it took me only two tries to get a front 180 fakie wallride f/s cab out.  We pushed around for awhile and didn’t really skate anything for long before hitting the world trade center area which we skated for awhile.  I didn’t do anything noteworthy.  The other dudes left and Nate and I played a game of SKATE that kind of just fizzled out and we left.Oh but as we were leaving I noticed a hill and we hadn’t skated a hill yet.  It was two blocks of granite downhill.  Not even considered a warm up hill in SF, but it was granite so it was faster than it looked.  First time I just pointed the whole way which was scary and we had to time it so we went through the light when it was green.  It was so fun we hiked it twice more.  Each time getting better and I mixed in some ollies and powerslides.  Best part of the night!  Street skating!!  We didn’t get back to Boulder until midnight so if you can sense some exhaustion in this journal entry, thats where it’s coming from.