skate journal: Fremont heads, Chief, TF, well, everyone Denver (June 13)

After a late night the Fremont kids woke up early and were singing and playing the piano before I could even think of waking up.  We got on the road quick and were to Commerce City by 10 am.  10 am.  I think we were there by 9:30 or something.  It was crazy, but rad.I wanted to skate the ledges, but could not get a groove going at all.  Sam from 303 was there.  That was cool.  Things started looking up when Matt, Eric and I started skating the bowl.  Definitely the best I’ve ever carved it and finally got over the halfway mark in the cradle.  There was some dude turning 50 the next day RIPPING the bowl.  It was rad.  Next up was a game of SKATE with Matt, Dan, Joe and me.  I somehow pulled out the win and was happy to get tricks like 360 flip, fakie bigflip, fakie varial flip and even a heelflip which has been killing me lately.  Shortly after that Jeff showed up and I sat next to Matt and watched the demo.  Jeff KILLED it.After a lot of food we met up with TF Jason, Neil, Fuzz and Brian and Cass.  Our crew was huge!  We skated a banked manny pad.  I tried to do a cali grind to nose manual while Brian dove over the whole manny pad and somehow survived.  Seriously Brian, how do you slam like that and get up?  There is too much going on to even pretend to list everything that went down so here’s a couple highlights I can remember.  Fuzz 180 noseman.  Jeff Nollie f/s flip the hip.  Brian dive to hip.  Dan funny manual 180.  Joe back ollies.  Neil everything.  Jason bailing a flatground ollie.  Me unable to do anything.Next up we went to a gnarly bank spot that was nearby.   We all skated it.  Brian, Jason, Jeff, Fuzz and Neil put the tricks down though.Another wallride/bank spot followed and we were joined by Chief who managed to drive all over Denver to find us and not complain for a second.  This session was especially troubling for me as I couldn’t even ollie up the curb.  Ugh.  I chilled for awhile.  Joe knocked out a bunch of flippers, Neil perfected backside wallrides, Brian and Jeff did them frontside, Fuzz skated so fast that just his ollies up the curb were sick, Matt lofted fakie wallrides to new heights, Jason filmed (thank you!), Chief and I dide some bank tricks.  I ended up doing an alley oop no comply first try, then followed it with a bigspin version next try.  Whoa!More skating.  We went to the Speer ledges.  I completely sucked, but managed to beat Brian to a boardslide popout.  People were skating so good.  Joe, Dan, Jason, Matt, Fuzz, Jeff, Chief were going off.  Highlights were Dan gap over to noseslide.  Jeff everything.  Fuzz switch boardslide popout.  I don’t even remember what all else went down.  I started filming Fuzz and Jeff, but it started pouring before they got their runs.  Doh.Fun day.  I skated like crap.  But the crew was so sick and the spots were awesome.