AA Bondy concert experience

from myspaceLiz and I set off to Denver to sell some stuff at 303 and then go to the AA Bondy show at the Hi Dive. AA Bondy is one of Liz’s current favorites. We got to 303 slightly before they close and Liz was helping me get some stuff out of the trunk, but accidentally shut the keys in the trunk when the car was locked. Crap.8:00 pm – Call a locksmith who shows up in 10 minutes.8:15 – They get the front door open. The alarm goes off and the trunk button doesn’t work. Oh boy.8:30 – They try hot wiring the trunk button. No worky.9:00 – The button to release the back seats is in the trunk, we’re trying to pull the keys out using some wires through a hole between the seats. No love. We’re trying to hit the seat release. No love.10:00 – Hyundai roadside assistance can’t provide the key code to get a new key made easily. Keep trying to somehow miraculously pull the keys out using wires.10:30 – Send Liz off in a cab to the Hi Dive to see AA Bondy.11:00 – New locksmith arrives to try and make a key to open the trunk.11:40 – Liz calls. Says the show was awesome and that she slammed 4 drinks and she’s chatting with Scott Bondy (aka AA Bondy).12:00 – SUCCESS! The trunk is open and I have the keys.I go to the Hi Dive. A full 12 hours after my last meal I walk in to drunken karaoke. I was a complete mess. Starving, annoyed with everyone, etc. Liz wants to chat with Scott more, but he’s apparently gone so we bail. She raves about the show and how rad of a dude he is. I’m thinking about food and only food. Get home around 1:00 and eat dinner finally. What a night. Glad Liz got to see the show. Bummed I missed it.