skate journal: Lville park with Ollie, filming, school with ollie, night with Nate (Aug 2, 2009)

Slept in late again.  India had some plans with a friend so Ollie was all alone for the day and we went to the Louisville park.  Basically no one was skating, prolly because it was very hot and sunny.  I dorked around while Ollie mongo pushed all over the place.  He was kinda ripping.  The only things I did that I thought were kinda good for first thing in the morning was front 50 across and down the hubba and ollieing into the bank off the manny pad.Next I waited for Josh Steele to show up and head to Denver to film some stuff for the Null promo.  We met up with Bernie, Sam and Jeff at the Speer ledge spot.  Bernie was already done skating due to the heat.  Ugh.  Jeff slammed really bad early on trying out a line and tore up his back a bit.  Ugh.  Josh, Todd and I found this amazing ledge that Josh tried to back nosegrind back 180 out.  He got close before getting served hard.  Ugh.  We headed back after that.  Tough day filming eh?Later on I skated at the school with Ollie and he was ripping even harder.  He took seven full mongo pushes and ollied this little two foot flat gap at full speed.  Pretty sick, but I think he’s inherited some of my pop, meaning a lack of it.  Ha.  I didn’t really do anything new, but kinda did my typical cruising around the spots there avoiding rocks.After making a last minute run to Target I picked up Nate and we skated the Ideal Market area for an hour or so.  Nate waxed up the lip of the banked sidewalk, but I don’t think we grinded it any longer than normal anyways.  I got the basic grinds down right away and then didn’t land anything else.  Nate got a disaster to fakie I think.  He also got a nose manny turned around to fakie which was gnarly since coming in fakie on that thing has a huge crack.  I ollied a water bottle on top of a curb at the end of the session and then we played a game of SKATE.   Well, we didn’t finish the game since Nate got too tired.  Ahh, poor 25 year old.  Ha ha!