skate journal: downtown Boulder with John (Aug 9, 2009)

Got up early and drove all the way from Omaha to Boulder.  The last two hours of the drive were full of the kids yelling while playing in the back of the car.  It was rough.  Then I hit the grocery store and was reminded of how crowded Boulder gets when the students come back.  Finally, I went skating.  I met John at St Julien and we dorked around on a wooden crate that had been set down the ledge for a long time.  I was sucking.  John was ripping.  It took me at least 10 tries to ollie into it.  Ugh.  I blame my travel feet.  But we had fun.  John got a run with a manny up and manny down.  I got the same, but with just an ollie in.  We also rode along the ledge then ollied into the bank.  I got a manual up to rock to fakie.  Nothing special, but a good warm up.We cruised around to various spots.  We hit the brick bank at the bottom of the parking garage.  That thing pretty much sucks.  We both dropped in and I got a front 50 stall then turned into the bank.  We skated the white ledge for awhile and not much went down.  John got close to a bunch of backside noseslides and I got close to back 50s.  I managed one accidental back 5-0 where I came to a complete halt before landing.  Sweet.  We messed around at Wells Fargo banks for a minute.  I got a back 5-0 late revert.  We messed around on some other stuff before ending back up on Canyon and doing tricks into the parking garage bank.  We were pretty beat, but ended up doing a bunch.  I got kickflip, shoves, varial flip, fakie bigflip and a backside flip.  John got front shove revert, no comply shifty, halfcab flip, fakie flip and probably more that I forget.  We closed on a game of SKATE where John schooled me once again.  He did nollie flip and switch flip.  I’ll never land those again.  Doh.  I only got him an S on a heelflip that I should have snapped the tail of my board on.  Oh well, it was a blast.