skate journal: fort fun with Nate and John (Sept 10, 2009)

John, Nate and I headed up to the Fort pretty early.  We were skating Northside by 11:00 am and were the only ones there.  I was very slow to warm up, but ended up trying my same ol line.  Wallie the back bump thing, ollie a hump, roll in, back 5-0 the brick bank then pole jam no comply the new little pole jam.  Didn’t get the pole jam.  Played two games of SKATE with Nate and John.  Did horrible in the first one, but won the second one ending with nollie treflip.  Rad.Off to O-ledge in the heat and was stressing trying to get some footage, but never even got the camera out because I was sucking.  We kinda all were too tired and hot.  We played another game of SKATE that was pretty mediocre.  John bailed difficult tricks like pop shove, nollie shove and some other ones that he’ll probably learn if he keeps skating with us.Next up we hit the new Spring Canyon park.  John broke his board pretty quick on a treflip and I was borderline getting heat exhuastion, but kept skating.  I was trying a run of boardslide to nose manny the ledge, back pivot the qpipe, ollie onto the snake and axle stall the tight qpipe.  I got all the trick, but not together.  Nate landed some front board to nose manny 180.  Sick.  We woulda filmed it if we were closer to the car (read lazy).After some grub and a stop at MRKT we went to an old ditch spot with new quickcrete and it ended up being a blast.  Basically there is this weird bank with a wide curb on it so the curb is at an angle.  The quickcrete allowed you to ride up and grind the top.  The angle is tough and there were bikers coming through fast on the bikepath.  But that makes it fun right!  John was slaying the back smiths and got a run with a back smith and a 43 shifty.  Rad.  Nate was trying the back 5-0 to fakie, but that would have been insane to pull in.  I got a weird nosegrind over it and then filmed a run with a back 5-0, then front ride along then a backside flip.  I gotta go into more details though because it’s way harder then it sounds.  The ride along was so hard.  Basically I rode up the quickcrete then turned 90 degrees and rode on the sideways curb down a hill and then came off it on flat.  I almost took some bad slams just trying to get onto it.  After awhile I had it down though.  It doesn’t show on video how hard it is, but oh well.  I had been trying the run with a heelflip in it, but kept not getting the heelflip.  So on one attempt I decided to try a backside flip just cuz and landed it first try.  People, I never land anything first try.  This was easily the highlight of anything I’ve ever filmed solely because I did one of the tricks first try.  And yes the flatground tricks in my Off The Couch part are the favorite part of my part.  Sorry, I’m still in love with PJLWL.