skate journal: reunion and denver (sept 25, 2009)

Had the day off work and started it off by skating the little indoor weird spot at the Reunion sale.  They have a steep little quarterpipe, wallride, a couple ledges and a manny pad made of a stack of osb sheets.  John wanted to get a line, but we skated for awhile first.  It took me awhile to get a wallride, but I eventually did.  Maybe if I wasn’t so stupid and refused to take a 5 minute break and relieve my bladder.  Oh well.  I also got a run with a nose manny, kickturn then kickflip manny.  I filmed Nate and John for a bit then Nate and I headed to 1st & Sheridan in Denver.  I felt like crap when we got there and couldn’t do anything.  Freaked out a bit and sat for awhile.  I really hate skating under the pressure of having to film tricks.  Can’t wait for Off The Couch to be done.  After awhile though I was skating ok for me and Nate rules and was willing to film.  I got a front 50 kickflip out in about 5 tries.  Awesome!  That was the number one trick on my list.  Then I attempted a run with boneless 360 followed by 50 front board.  Never got it.  Ugh.  Killed myself trying too.  My left leg is sooo sore from jumping off it on the boneless over and over.  Later on I tried no comply 360s to start it and landed more then ever, but still couldn’t do the 50 front board.  Lame.  I’m not good at skateboarding.  After we met up with Bernie and John and went to this weird hip/downhill manny pad spot.  I was dead tired, but managed to manny and nose manny down it before filming Bernie almost get a really sick trick.  Doh.