skate journal: brief bank spot session (Oct 6, 2009)

After a rough day at work I had about 40 minutes of free time and decided to spend it embarrassing myself on a skateboard.  I went to the new bank spot that’s new to me and met Nate there.  I was sucking as much as usual for late.  Ugh.  I absolutely hate my new Adio shoes.  They have the weirded shape.  My heel was acting up and could not push or ollie comfortably.  I managed one fakie pivot fakie (not over the hole) and a few back smith scrapes over the hole.  Those are fun.  Nate is recovering from a heel bruise he obtained playing soccer, but still did lots of cool stuff like hurricane on the ledge and long back smiths over the hole.  Toward the end I tried to kickflip over the hole and almost died.  I got even more bummed and left to try and get home in time for India to make it to ballet class on time.  She was late.  My fault.  Sweet.