skate journal: Southern Hills for hours and a couple other spots (Nov 8, 2009)

Surprisingly sore from the flip trick session the day before John and I cruised over to Southern Hills on a nice afternoon.  We were pleasantly surprised to see the benches freshly painted and slick again.  John and Nate were getting on the grinds no problem, but my legs were dead.  Nate straight killed the benches.  John set up the marathon run challenge that almost killed me.  Front nose stall on the first bench (you can’t really get enough speed to do anything else), back noseslide the next bench, ollie up the two, ollie onto the rough ledge, ollie the 4 stair, trick on the bench.  He did it all quick.  I never got the ollie onto the rough ledge.  I can’t ollie, it sucks.  I was feeling pretty bummed, but went over and skated flatground for a bit on the new smooth area.  Landed quite a few tricks in a few tries.  Heelflip and 360 flip first tries.  I blew out a lace and Neil who had just shown up hooked me up with a new one before I could even really tell what happened.  Awesome.  Skelly also showed up around now.  Him and Nate got some boardslides to fakie.  I finally got on a few 2mph front 50s and got a shove out.  I was skating pathetically slow.  That’s what happens to me when I get that tired.  Toward the end I tried a line with front noseslide/stall on the first bench, manual the goodcrete, kickflip out of the handicap ramp, ollie the two from the crack, boardslide then a flipper.  I died in exhaustion attempting a backside flip.  Right after that Nate racked himself trying a front board 270 out.  We were both lieing down on the concrete and a family comes biking by.  So funny.  Before leaving I finally got a dorky cali grind to manual that I’d been trying for awhile and Nate, Sean and I did some long powerslides in the new super smooth concerete section.  So fun.Next we went to this newly redone steep bank into a parking garage.  It’s so gnarly, there is even a kicker in front of it.  Some one could do some gnarly stuff there for sure.  It was getting dark though, otherwise it would have been us.  Just ollieing into it on the steep end is scary.  There isn’t a car that can make that without bottoming out.  We left after awhile and went to the mini Wells Fargo q-pipe.  That was basically the only thing we had enough energy to skate.  A one foot tall quarterpipe.  And it was as fun as ever.  Nate did a couple good back 5-0s to fakie, bluntslide to fakie and almost a couple crazy tricks like front hurricane and front bluntslide.  Sean was barging it and almost got back 50 from the top part all the way down to the waxed up spot.  I tried some back tails for awihle, but started trying back smith instead and managed to get a few actual back smith grinds.  Then I got a couple mediocre back 5-0s to fakie, back tails, back nosegrinds and had a blast.  Fun ender for a rough day.