skate journal: red curbs after everyone else was warmed up (Nov 14, 2009)

Was busy running errands and watching Ollie while others got together and skated red curbs on a snowy afternoon.  I met up with Carleigh, Jason, Neil, Reed, Josh Steele and others and they were all warmed up.  Josh brought a bench and was killing it.  Noseblunts on it?  Yeap.  kickflip crooks?  Yeap.   He destroys.  Neil seemed pretty mellow and already done when I got there, Jason was skating the new bench really well, Carleigh seemed bummed, Reed looked rusty, but still killed it.  I started off slow and kinda just stayed that way.  It was pretty cold and it showed.  Reed and I tried doing mannies to rock no comply bonk.  He got it first and that ended that.  I tried some crooks on the bench, but never really got one.  I was trying to skate a bit faster and I’m sure it didn’t show.  I was doing fakie ollies then halfcab flips or faster then normal back 180s.  Felt good.  It’s hard to flip the board when the bushing are frozen.  We ended up getting kicked out right after I got a crappy front board to fakie on the bench thing and failed to get a 360 flip.