skate journal: Downtown Boulder with Lazer, Carleigh, Jake and kind of Jason and Nate (Dec 16, 2009)

Yeah my neck is better!  Yeah it’s warm out!  Unfortunately there is still a lot of snow out.  That didn’t stop us from rolling around downtown and having a blast though.  We all met up near Lazer’s Mom’s house then rolled to St Julien.  We went past a perfectly good ledge, but the sidewalk was fun.  I had new wheels and they felt so much faster than my old flat spotted wheels.  St Julien had lots of snow so we moved on.  The sidewalk east of there is so fun now.  We cruised down it hauling ass.  Lazer noseslid one of the new wood benches.  I boardslid one.  I also found out all my hardware was loose.  Seriously every one of them.  Guess I haven’t been street skating lately.  Ha.Next we ended up in the alley between Broadway and Wells Fargo.  Normally we would just pass it by, but there is snow in a lot of spots so everything seemed fun.  Lazer killed it there too by hauling ass and ollieing onto a ledge, ollieing a gap in the ledge then popping off.  I had a crappy run where I ollied a tiny ledge, 180’d onto another and switch f/s 180’d off.  Next up was the Wells Fargo QP area and we found that during construction one of the benches had been unbolted.  Awesome!!!  It was hilarious actually.  Lazer walked up to it to give it a nudge and see if it would move at all and it slid away.  Everyone wallied out over the flat bar.  Lazer got grabs out, landed in 50 on the bar, huge back 180 and some other cool stuff.  Carleigh got a front 180 over the bar.  Nate and Jason got back 180s.  I wallied to a short 5-0, backside early grabbed over the bar, tried to back tail transfer but failed and tried ollie grabs but failed.  It was fun though.  The cops rolled up and I thought we were getting a ticket.  But then it became apparent that the cop wasn’t moving fast.  He had pulled up right next to us and opened his door.  I was right there ready to kiss up, but he just sat there.  Jake and Lazer were walking off so the rest of us joined.  Then we skated off and everyone went in different directions for awhile.  We were all close at one point and then Jason and Nate disappeared.Lazer, Carleigh, Jake and I walked for awhile and ended at this church with a big crack before the stairs a rail down the middle, and two tiny hubbas going down the sides.  We all slappy noseslid/tailslid them.  Lazer manned up and back 50’d one the real way and cave man’d the rail.Next up was the white ledge.  You couldn’t do the bump before it, but the ledge was decent.  I got some sloppy back 50s, bad back nose, bad crooks, boardslide and got a kickflip off the curb at the end for a nice topper on a couple tricks.  We were hoping Jason and Nate would meet up with us at some point, but we never found them again.  We were near the cars, but no site of them.  We skated a painted curb for awhile which was pretty fun.  Finally we saw Nate and Jason, but they were in Nate’s car and just drove by.  Ha.  We gave in and called Jason and called it a night.  Turned out they had totally stopped skating and were hanging out in bars.