skate journal: Rampy with Nate and Jake (Jan 3, 2010)

Another cold and snowy night, another fun Rampy session.  Jake and Nate came over after the kids went to sleep and we skated for close to a couple hours.  Jake had a pretty sick 10 trick + first run to kick things off.  He went on to do lots of sick tricks like nosepick, front feebs, front feeb fakie, front tail revert, back 5-0 fakie, front smith fakie, tons more, and learned back boneless.  He finished the session trying to get nosepick stale grab, but never quite put it down.  Nate was on it again.  Some crazy manuevers out of no where, fakie front smith 270 in, back feeble back board, front 5-0 rock fakie, and maybe even some basics in there somewhere.  His new trick was front boards trying to be like Jason.  He also had front board 270 in.  Sick.  I skated well, came close to getting back hurricane’s, but never rode away.  Got most of my harder/newer tricks.  Front 50 yank in, front nose bash to fakie, front nosebash to front rock, front d 180 (first try), fakie pivot fakie.  Fun times.