skate journal: downtown denver with Nate, Mikey, Chris Jones and crew (Jan 12, 2010)

After a pit stop at 303 Mikey, Nate and I started out above the RTD station on the east side of the 16th St mall. Mikey and I talked some business while Nate started killing right away. We got the boot and went across the street and saw this weird ledge that Jeff or Brian Bourquin manualled a long time ago. It had a taller drop then the video showed, but I eventually was able to just ride off the end. It was scary because it’s really narrow against a wall with a drop at the end larger then Valmont. Guess it’s been awhile since I’ve jumped off anything. Next up we went to a downhill ledge where Mikey tried nollie noseslides and Nate and I tried to get all Busenitz. Nate got some good back 50s then we started trying weird ollie combos up the curb, between poles, powerslides, boardslides on the ledge, etc. We never got a line, but it was super fun. I was getting some pretty long powerslides for me, but was hardly able to ollie up the curb due to feeling old and frail. Next we hit this stairway that had 6 sets of 2 stairs in a row. All pretty close to each other. Mikey was able to ollie up all sets. Sick! Ollieing down each set was pretty fun. Nate got up a few, but never all 6, I got up 2 sets and that was hard enough for me. They were so close. Before Mikey had to leave we bombed a hill which was insanely fun. It’s the same hill Nate and I have done several times, but this time it was even more fun and we all got some ollies off the little drops in granite. So fun. As we were heading to the car I did a no comply 270 back tail for Mikey and out of nowhere Jeff appears parked in his truck. Sick!After Mikey left we met up with Chris, Earl, Daryl and Thomas at the history museum.  Everyone was skating and having fun.  Nate manualled and nose manualed the bank.  Chris, Daryl and Earl boosted some ollies off the kicker.  Thomas and I did some side rock things.  I tried a trick I think Little Jack did there.  Side rock kickflip out.  Never got too close.  We got the boot and rolled over to this wallie thing by the library that was crazy.  Basically it was an elevated heating vent that banked up at the ends.  Basically the height of a loading dock with a perfect wallie out.  Chris Jones killed it.  No comply wallie, wallie one foot, some more rad tricks.  Daryl had some rad wallies too.  I took a few tries, but finally put a regular wallie down.  Such a fun trick.  Ridiculously fun.  I think I get too much sympathy for bad old man skateboarding as the kids seemed hyped on it.  As we left I ollied a little ledge and landed horribly, but it was funny and a great way to end the night.  I thought it was a ledge on both sides, but the side I landed on was only a curb high drop.  Ha.  Fun night.  Street skating is the funnest.