skate journal: creekside with ollie then steelyards for a bit with nate (Jan 19, 2010)

Went over to Creekside with Ollie when it started getting dark. Pretty much everything was wet, but the poor lighting hid the horrendous amount of pebbles everywhere. We stayed in the front for a bit until the janitor saw us so we went to the back of the school. On the way I did one of those little slide into back lip and ride out off a curb. Pretty fun. In the back it was only lit in a little area. Ollie did a funny trick where he rolled to a wall jumped off his board and kicked the wall with his front foot then landed back on the board. I tried it too. So hard! Ha. He also started lifting his front foot and jumping with his back foot while rolling. I tried and almost died. We ollied the little ditch into the grass a few times. I attempted some no comply backside wallrides which seem impossible and Ollie started trying regular backside wallrides. So sick! Other then ollieing some puddles and hititng some rocks that was about the extent of that session.Later on I went to the Steelyards manny pad to meet up with Nate.  I was pretty tired from working earlies and warming up wasn’t easy.  Nate arrived about when I bailed ollieing up the huge 6″ curb and shot my board out past the parking lot.  Brilliant.  Things picked up though.  I mannied the long way pretty quick and after a few not even close nose mannies did on the long way.  After that I started trying more trick up, trick down since I can’t do that with mannies.  Kickflip off went down quick.  Kickflip up and b/s flip off went down 2nd try which I still don’t believe.  B/s 180 up, fakie ollie off.  Front 180 up, sw front 180 off.  kickflip up nollie back 180 off (or as brian would say – a 180 off the nose).  I started trying halfcab up to 360 flip off one way and manny front 180 the other way.  Never got the 360 flip, but was happy that I actually committed to it and did get the manny 180.  Nate was ripping too.  Manny front 180 perfect.  Front 180 nose man, switch man, almost nose man nollie bigspin.  He did a few nollie f/s flips up the curb.  Sick!  He even got kickflip up and off first try.  He had to leave real quick for a soccer game and I stuck around for a few more minutes.  Got a manny rock off, tried manny front shove and almost died.  Then just wanted a good clean kickflip up and down which took awhile, but felt really good.  Fun times.