skate journal: All day skateathon with Ollie and others (Jan 24, 2010)

Had a skate date arranged for early in the morning from the night before with John at some new “scooter park” in Boulder. Sounded cool. After waking up early on a Sunday for a change and getting the grocery shopping done early I took Ollie and his friend Cooper and we met John at this new park. Took us awhile to find it and when we did we didn’t think it could even be considered any type of scooter or skate park. It was cold and windy and I almost didn’t get out of the car. But we started skating it. It’s basically a little cement pond with 1 foot tall banks that are super mellow. There are a couple spots you can slide, but definitely nothing you can grind. It started off pretty weak, but ended up being one of the funnest sessions ever even though at times it was frigid. Ollie and his buddy Cooper were having a good time. John and I were landing new tricks an finding different ways to make the tiny slab of concrete more fun. John was somehow doing blunts to fakie so he had to fakie manual basically 3 feet since he likes long boards. I did a coupe bad back tail stalls and back tail front 180 and back tail shove. Cooper was doing front tail slides. So sick. Hadn’t even really ever see him do a trick before. Ollie was doing weird manual reverts and some little ollies. So I of course had to say “Nice ollie Ollie”. Oh the fun of naming your kid Ollie. It started to get a bit nicer out after awhile. Another kid showed up and he had a Null deck. Rad. I got some long front tail slides and got a shove out of one. Hyped on that. John and I battled frontside flips for awhile trying to get them all the way around on the bank. We got ’em. Did we get them good? Of course man. Ha. Then we tried to ollie into the bank. John did it every try. Me, I suck at ollies. Took me awhile and when I did it was a sketchy no pop ollie. Ugh. After awhile the kids resorted to grass rides and John and I tried to line in out by ollieing over the little gap into the bank, somehow make the turn, then do a trick over the tiniest hip in a park ever. Ended up being a complete blast. I got a run with the ollie in and then a kickflip over the f/s “hip”. John got ollie in, powerslide/lipslide, b/s flip over the hip. So sick! Super fun session.Later on I went to go skate campus with Nate, but Ollie decided he wanted to skate more so we met Nate at some weird banked manny pads over near Red Curbs. Nothing too eventful was going on. Ollie almost landed a back 180 out of one of the little kicker things. I ollied up into the loading dock which was hard. I ollied out a few times too which still scares me for some embarrassing reason. Nate did a front board to fakie transfer then switch front 180 the other side. Then Nate and I played a game of SKATE while Ollie jumped off the loading dock while landing on his board and pulling his shirt over his knees. He loves doing this. He calls it ‘midgit mode’. I have to admit that I’m not digging the Herman 2s so much for flippers. They have a good flick and feel, but they hurt sometimes. Anways, the game of SKATE was OK. I think I won, but it was because Nate was being nice. Although he did get a nollie big heel, but I’ll take a letter on that any day.Next we went to Boulder ditch per Nates suggestion. It started off sucky which it always does at that place. It’s so hard to skate. Nate and I played on the little q-pipe for awhile and got a few tricks. Front tail was my hardest probably. Nate got a front slasher to fakie. After this Ollie was busy carving over a snow pile and doing rock fakies on rocks and I was trying a line of axle stall on the taller q-pipe followed with boardslide on the narrow ledge. I ended up getting it, but it took awhile. Nate got some good front and back boardslides before almost getting back board 270 out. Fun times.