skate journal: Spring Canyon with Ollie (Jan 31, 2010)

After a busy morning of visiting Chad Dad, birthday shopping for my dad, selling boards at Market and being hungover Ollie and I went to Spring Canyon for almost an hour. There was a lot of snow there so you couldn’t skate the manny pads from some angles. The pool was full of ice so that wasn’t an option either. Not that I would want Ollie to anyway. We ended up having a fun time. Ollie had lots of fun ollieing out of the kickers and kinda just cruising around behind me. I was having fun trying a run of ollie over a pile of snow, ollie onto the dragon thing, axle stall on the tight qpipe, then kickflip out of the kicker. Never even committed to the kickflip. I got a couple slow, but fun manny tricks on the potato wedge. Manual to side rock to manual and front board to nose manual. Skating with Ollie is so fun. He got a couple ollies up onto the low parts of the potato chip and a couple ollies up into board stall where it was taller. His ollies aint so good yet, but man he looks pretty natural on a board and he has a lot of fun. Awesome.