skate journal: late night campus with Nate (Feb 5, 2010)

After a tough night with the wife I met up with Nate to skate campus for a bit.  It was pretty cold again and we met at the brick plaza with the weird short benches.  We both got some basics down right away.  Nate even beat me to a backside noseslide which is funny because he normally can’t do that trick.  There was a pile of snow about 20 feet from the backside approach and we would ollie it on the way to the ledge.  Nate put a couple sick runs down.  Front 180 then halfcab noseslide.  Back 180 then switch front board.  I got an ollie and then a crooks and then was trying tons of front 180 nosegrinds, but never quite got one.  Argh.  Frontside Nate had a few really good front tails.  I tried front tails, but never really even got into it.  We moved on after awhile to some new flat gaps which were about 6 feet long.  On the way I took too long to land a tiny gap off a ledge with about a two foot gap.  Yeah that’s it and yeah I suck at gaps.  We got to the flat gaps and Nate ollied two in a row and I just went with ollie to axle stall.  Fun though.  Next up we were gonna skate the mini bank to ledge but a cop rolled up before much of anything went down.  I wanted to try a front pivot back shove out.  The cops rolled by so we played dumb then headed up to the hill to watch the end of the Nuggets game after I cracked my board over doing a front lip attempt on a curb.  Decent night.  Nuggets killed the Lakers too.