skate journal: sore/tired skating with Ollie (Feb 13, 2010)

I guess skating so much yesterday took it’s toll.  That and my new shoes seem to fit smaller than the last pair and I’m getting blisters on my pinky toes.  Yeah, I said pinky toes.  We started out at Southern Hills and it was super nice out.  Maybe close to 50 degrees and sunny.  That changed quickly and the clouds came in.  Ollie seemed really excited to skate.  He’s been way more into ever since we got that SKATE game for the Wii.  He ollied the 2 stair like nothing and tried a bunch of pop shove its.  He came surprisingly close.  I was sucking and sore.  The insane amount of rocks they put down in the last snow didn’t help my motivation either.  While ollie tried shove it’s I the back area with the bench up to picnic table.  I was skating so slow it was pathetic.  I managed an ollie up the ledge to front tail stall on the bench of the picnic table.  It was horrible.  I also managed a really basic line of front 180 off a ledge over some snow, back shove, kickflip into the wheelchair ramp, back board a ledge, varial flip and then halfcab flip.  All were horrible.We left for the Louisville park because Ollie wanted to go there.  After a quick lame session in the hockey rink we went to the bowl where Ollie didn’t want to skate after all when he saw another little kid there skating good.  It’s weird though.  This kid could do 10 minute runs of axle stall, roll in, axle stall, roll in, etc.  It looked robotic.  It’s funny that there are bowl robots too.Next we went to the little manny pad behind Mikes Camera.  I was so sore by then.  I wanted to try some more manual shoves out.  I was skating 2 mph tops and came close to a few.  It was cold and I wanted to stop skating, but Ollie started ripping like I’ve never seen before.  He normally can’t ollie up a curb, but he was and he was trying front 180s off.  I’ve never even seen him try front 180s before and he landed on his first one off a curb.  He also manualed a long section all easy.  It was so rad seeing him skate so good.  He was blasting ollies off the curbs like it was nothing (well I guess it’s not for an old fart, but damn, he’s 7) and smiling non stop.  He is is fun to skate with.  If it wasn’t for a first try kickflip manual there I would probably have left super bummed on my skating.  But I didn’t and the fact that Ollie skated so well made me think of nothing but amazing sessions for the future.  Skating with your kid is crazy.