skate journal: Ollie’s worst slam yet (March 2, 2010)

Got home from work and it was nice out.  Ollie and his friend were skating in front of the house so I joined them.  They push up the driveway, ride up a sheet of wood and try grinds across Ledgey.  I rolled around in the street for awhile and landed most my tricks and felt good.  Kickflips, shoves, no complys.  Then I posed a few kickflip front board attempts on the ledge and Cooper had to leave.  After that Ollie tried showing off and dropped in off the deck of the ramp onto the driveway (the garage door was open).  He said he had dropped that far before, but he basically went straight to his stomach.  It was really bad.  He fully ate shit.  Skinned up his elbow real bad, but didn’t cry at all and didn’t scrape his face.  Whew.  He did call it a day though.  So I went in too.